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LIMS (Laboratory Information Management Systems)

Databases were developed to store and search acquired data from analytical runs.  Sophistication and capabilities expanded as the computers developed.  In 1982 the first generation of LIMS was introduced in the form of a single centralized minicomputer, which offered the…

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HPLC-Triple quadrupole Mass Spectrometry initial developments

The technique provides sensitivity and selectivity to assay a wide variety of samples for non-volatile organic compounds including large biomolecules.  Tandem quadrupole LC-MS/MS  quantifies more pesticides and tests for more drugs-of-abuse than perhaps any other analytical technique. Mass spectrometry was…

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US Saccharin Ban

The Food and Drug Administration announced today that it would ban the use of saccharin in foods and beverages, because the artificial sweetener had been found to cause malignant bladder tumors in laboratory animals. This ruling led to a significant shift in policy as…

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Toxicology of Insecticides is published by Fumio Matsumura

Seminal book in the field of insect toxicology, based on teaching notes from his course on the toxicology of insecticides to provide comprehensive and up-to-date text; covering Principles of Insecticide Toxicology, Classification of Insecticides, Modes of Action of Insecticides and…

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SPE cartridges

Solid-phase extraction (SPE) is the most widely used sample preparation technique for assays of aqueous samples and organic extracts in laboratories.  SPE provides fast cleanup, reduction in solvent usage and improved selectivity. SPE methods, using bonded silicas or other solid…

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